Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hocking Hills Indian Run 60k

This past weekend was the Hocking Hills Indian Run 60k. It was a great weekend with perfect weather and a beautiful course.  I was very lucky to have a great group to go with and support me! A huge thank you to Erin, Carter, Mary Pat, Bethany, and Marissa for cheering me on, being so supportive/encouraging and running with me.  Also, my parents for making the drive and surprising me!

We rented a cabin for the weekend which was very nice and relaxing.  Cooked our pre-race meal at the cabin and of course had my pre-race beer with dinner.  I got everything ready the night before- since I was planning on being out there for 7 hours that was a lot of water and nutrition.  Up at 5:15am and out the door at 5:45am.  A little GPS mishap on the way but we made it! Arrived at the lodge and they were setting up and the other 60k runners were arriving.  Checked in and got my race number, shirt and chip.  Set everything outside so I could change out items in between loops.  A park ranger detailed the course and we headed out on loop one.  Through the parking lot, passed some cabins, onto a grassy path and then onto the road.  I will say there was more road than I thought but it wasn't bad- still nice scenery.  Around mile 3 there was a steep and long downhill and all I could think was how bad that was going to hurt on the third loop.  I started chatting with a couple of women- one was an ER doc from Dayton and she had done the course before so offered her wisdom.  The other was a ~21 year old college girl from Indiana who was having stomach issues because they stopped and ate skyline for dinner the night before....what was she thinking????  After the downhill there was of course a very long and steep up-hill.  I only saw two people run up it during the entire race.  My HR was just as high walking up it as it was running the rest of the course.  To the top and back onto the road for a little bit before heading back into the woods.  The scenery was beautiful. The first 6 miles went by quickly then some of the trails got more technical towards the end of the loop with single track, lots of tree roots and rocks.  We then headed through the campgrounds and there were a few people awake cooking breakfast, a few cheers and some weird looks.  Back to the trail, passed old mans cave up a set of stairs and onto the road for the final hill climb of the loop back to the lodge.  When you got to the top there were signs for continuing runners and finished runners- couldn't wait to be going to the side for finished runners after 2 more loops!

I could see and hear the awesome GOTR crew I was with cheering.  I re-filled my water and grabbed more fuel while they checked in for their 20k.  Heard my name again and realized it was a college friend!  Headed out for loop two knowing the GOTR crew would catch up to me soon. I heard cheers from behind and was happy to have the running company of my friends!  A little further down the road and more cheers from a SUV this time- realize it's my parents which gives more encouragement.  Running this loop with friends was so great- nice to have the company!  We celebrated mile 20 for me and Erin took lots of pics along the journey.  They finished their 20k and I finished loop 2 feeling good.  Re-fueled said hi to my parents then headed out for my final loop!

I was right....the long steep downhill was painful! I couldn't wait for the uphill!  As with the other 2 loops the first 6 miles was pretty quick and I soon realized I was at 31 so everything beyond this would be my longest run ever!  The further I got the more I realized 7 hours was possible....then at mile 33 the Garmin died.  Is it a sign if your Garmin can't last the length of the race?  I just pushed ahead and kept thinking of 7 hours.  I passed two people around this time so I knew I wasn't last!  It was weird to not have any clue who is out there and where people are or if people have dropped.  Into the campground for the last time, through the last stretch of woods and to the stairs.  I hear and see Erin cheering so I know I am close.  She runs the last mile up the hill into the parking lot with me and is so encouraging!  At the top and I finally go to the left with the sign for finishing runners!  Into the finish and there is lots of encouragement from others and especially from my family and friends! Such a great feeling to cross the finish.  They handed you a "medal"- a handmade arrowhead from the HS arts and crafts class- something unique and different.  Lots of hugs and high fives from everyone then celebrated with an Ale8 and some food.  I thought I was under 7 but really didn't know.  We hung out and chatted about the race- I couldn't believe I really ran a 60k and felt as good as I did.  The finish line timer came over and told us we could come see our times if we wanted.  I was excited when I saw 6 hours 45 minutes- beat my goal by 15 minutes!  We headed back to the cabin, showered, ate some more, had chocolate then headed to dinner.  I was sore but I have definitely been much worse after some of my marathons so I was happy.  Had a beer in the hot tub after dinner and found out I was 1st in my age group (out of 3)!  Headed to bed then home on Sunday.  

I will say I had a great support crew and cheering section both at the race and at home.  I couldn't have asked for a better group to go with and to run part of the race with me!  Everyone in the running group along with my family was so encouraging and supportive that I couldn't have done it without the cheers from Cincy and Dayton as well!  Overall great weekend- and fun race.  
My awesome support crew made me a sign!

Climbing up the big hill.

Mile 20 and still smiling!

Woohoo!!!! 60k Finished!
Handmade "medal"

Time to celebrate.

Awesome running buddies for the weekend.

My parents surprised me!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Summer of Running

I know I haven't posted in a while but I am ready to get back at it and keep chronicling my running life and adventures!  Here are a couple things from the summer!

The Flying Pig was May 1st and that was marathon #6 for me and a great one for me!  I decided it was time for a new challenge in my running life.  Last summer I had talked about doing a 50k but never got around to it so I decided this was the perfect challenge for me.  5 short weeks after the Pig there was a race in Englewood, OH- "Another Dam 50k".  I decided on this one and did a couple more long runs on the trails and before I had time to think about it the race was here!  Thankfully I have an awesome husband, sister and parents that support me on my crazy adventures!  My sister and I headed to the race that morning with lots of supplies.  She was going to be at the middle point of the figure 8 loop so I would get to see her quite a few times and she could hand me new water and fuel.  This was great!  I really didn't know what I was in for except that 31 miles was a long way to run and further than I had ever run before.  Everyone was very encouraging and friendly and before I knew it we were off!  The day quickly heated up so I was thankful to have my sister out there to help with the re-fueling.  The loop was 7.8 miles and we ran it 4 times.  It was such a great feeling to finish the 50k and I had a blast!

 Before the race!

Out on the course

Finished and feeling good!

3 weeks later Matt and I were headed to Philly for a work conference for him so I started searching for races to keep me busy.  I found a random marathon called the 1/2 Sauer 1/2 Kraut in Pennypack Park just outside of downtown Philly.  I thought about and decided to go for it.  The half was on the same course so I could always do the half but I figured it would give me something to do while Matt was learning all day.  It was a small race on a path through a park but it was fun.  There were people dressed up in traditional German clothing- thankfully my running in costumes was over but I would have fit in pretty well!  We headed out on a bike path through the park, did a loop in the woods on a trail then headed back.  For the full you turned around and did it again.  I decided to go for it!  I ended up finishing in 3:54.  The post race party was complete with beer, food and of course an accordion player! I ended up 2nd in my age group and got this crazy award that is a German Weather House from the Black Forest of Germany.  Overall it was a fun race and made marathon #7 for me.
German Weather Station and my medal
Celebrating with Rocky!

A week later I decided to do the Americana 5k since we were in Dayton for the 4th of July weekend.  I hadn't done a 5k in a while so it was a nice change of distance.  It turned out to be a great day and I got a PR of 21:20!  I definitely didn't expect that but was very happy!!!  After this race I decided I would take a racing break for a while!
Finished with the race! 
Hanging out with my sis post race.